Monday, 8 November 2010

Quarter life at Crossroads

The article, “Quarter Life Crisis” (Wknd. 5 Nov 2010) was bang on target in highlighting the dilemma of today’s young generation. Advanced education and liberal upbringing should have enabled them to become anyone they wanted. Ever increasing resources of the world should have helped them achieve what they wanted with ease. Alas, things didn’t turn out this way. The root of the problem appears to be their not knowing ‘What they want’. Hence, transient temptations from every direction and instant pleasures are hard to resist. And yet, hardly anyone seems to be happy. Those in such a dilemma may take consolation from the fact that everyone before them has passed through this stage in varying degree. Further, I wish to share some thoughts on the ‘Way Forward’:
  • Find what you are most passionate about doing consistently. Your definite chief aim in life can be found around this activity.
  • Understand that mind is a great servant but a terrible master. It works best when instructed. Hence, use its power to your advantage by directing it to that in the world which would further your chosen goal. Don’t allow multitude offerings of the world, including Internet, Facebook, Blackberry, TV, etc. tempt you into mindless wondering. Use all of them with a purpose. Always ask, “Why am I doing this?”
  • Until you find your definite chief aim in life, do whatever you are currently doing to the best of your ability. This will add dignity to the work and give you the much needed satisfaction and happiness.
  • Understand that better opportunities will become visible only when your mind is relaxed. An anxious mind cannot attract any worthwhile opportunity. You will be locked-up in a Catch-22 situation.
  • Never stop celebrating. The fact that you are alive is a reason enough to celebrate. There is a place and purpose for every atom in the universe. Why should you compare with or emulate anyone else? What a needle can do, a sword can’t. There is a seed of uniqueness hidden in everyone. Your only business in life is to discover it and express in its full glory.