Thursday, 20 March 2014

The Master Plan

We all work according to a master plan, which governs everything in the universe. There is no room for coincidences or accidents in this master plan; otherwise there would be a universal disaster. Every action, however small, taken by anyone in the universe has to be an integral part of this master plan. Nature must provide all the right resources and talent needed to execute its master plan.

In the absence of any prior-knowledge about this master plan, we are forced to speculate and make our own little plans. All the plans made by all the people cannot succeed, as we are all sharing the same world and same resources. Different people make different demands (even conflicting) from the same world at the same time. Consequently, someone’s plan must fail, so that someone else’s plan can succeed according to the overall Master Plan. We are happy when we are able to execute our plans and take full credit for its success. However, when they don’t work out, we become stressed and blame our destiny. Little do we realize that whenever our plan worked, it simply coincided with the master plan. At other times, we were forced to take a detour from our plan due to the circumstances beyond our control. We must view such detours as Nature’s way of diverting us from a dangerous path chosen in our individual plans to a safer and better path meant for our long-term benefits. We have luxury of thinking various options before acting, but we shall ultimately choose only that option which is part of the master plan.

Every action of the master plan is for the good of the whole universe. It’s like the symphony playing at a grand scale. Individual instruments playing in this symphony might sound chaotic on their own at times, but the overall music is never out of tune or harmony. Similarly, certain actions, we are forced to take helplessly, might seem disastrous at that time. But, over a period, they turn out to be the building blocks of our future success – whether in building our personality or overcoming challenges. After all, every one of us is vital and indispensable for the running of the whole universe. Any faulty action by any individual will affect the whole universe. Hence, there is no room for fault to occur in the master plan.

When we are convinced of this reality, living becomes a joy. Our job simply becomes that of an actor who performs every act, revealed to him/her moment-to-moment, to the best of his/her ability and enjoys every moment of his performance. He, no doubt, plans to the best of his ability, but he is never obsessed with it and remains open to all the possibilities that every moment brings with it. Life, indeed, becomes interesting when one doesn’t know what’s going to happen in the next moment and curiously looks forward to every moment’s revelation. No doubt, he is happy when things happen as per his expectations, but he is happier when they don’t because then he knows that better things are in store for him according to the Master Plan.

We are here to learn and grow with every experience. No learning or growth is possible when everything goes according to our plans. That’s why nature throws challenges in our path, which we must learn to overcome. Greater the challenge, higher is the learning. Those who don’t learn, must repeat the same experience over and over again. The master plan ensures this for everybody.

Saturday, 15 March 2014

Celebrating Womanhood

I believe that both men and women possess unique qualities that are fundamentally different, but wonderfully complementary. It is nature’s grand plan to maintain the difference between ‘Yin’ and ‘Yang’ so that the world can survive as a whole. However, women have always been termed a ‘weaker’ sex, which I strongly object to. Often, people say it is men who did most of the creative work in all walks of life and continue to do so, while creative women are far and few between. Perhaps, the centuries of such condemnation by men has now led women to claim their right of equality. But, we fail to see the reality. Creative urge is equally endowed in both men and women. Men go on fulfilling this urge through paintings, music, literature, science, and so on. Yet, even the most creative man dies feeling discontented with his creations. On the other hand, every woman is fully satisfied soon after giving birth to a child, bearing severest of the pain known to mankind. There cannot be any greater creation than creating a life. I salute every woman for this creative ability that no man can ever match.