Wednesday, 2 September 2009

Gifting Dilemma

The ideal gift requires the union of the right object with the right person at the right time.

The language of gifts is intricately woven into our everyday social interactions. Indeed, we often use gifts as a means of interpersonal communication. According to Poe, gifts are used to convey symbolic relational messages, including relationship status, the promise of future interaction or statements of affection, concern, or domination.

We are constantly torn by gift-giving and gift-receiving dilemmas. How many times have we received a gift that we didn't want and hence passed it on? I know of a person who received a gift that he himself had gifted to someone else a long time back, thus making a full circle of gift-exchanges. I wonder if exchanging gifts has not been reduced to a mere formality. The joy of giving seems to be missing altogether. People are increasingly reporting stress, disappointment, anxiety, and misunderstandings when they anticipate or participate in social gifting.

Gifting, in my opinion, is still a beautiful ritual if honestly and sincerely followed. Nature keeps teaching us all the time. A tree gifts its fruits without asking or expectations. Clouds shower life’s nectar on one and all without any discrimination. It is this selfless attitude of giving which is important. The object being given is not vital. Even a gentle smile to a passer-by is a valuable gift, if imparted with a selfless attitude.

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