It was nice reading a cute list of nice things that can happen to us, but don’t (“As good as it gets” Weekend, 22.10.2010). Grief is a wasted energy, but we often indulge in it. While blaming others for our miseries, we forget that everything in this world is controlled by the law of causation. We are in our current state of health, mind and circumstances due to our own past actions and decisions that we took or didn’t. Similarly, our present decisions and actions will determine what sort of future we shall inherit.
I believe that we are all victims of self-fulfilling prophecies. All the while, we are talking to ourselves in our minds. This rambling of thoughts, whether intentional or not, act as auto-suggestions to our sub-conscious mind. Our sub-conscious mind is like a giant computer which processes every suggestion it receives and translates into reality with the help of nature’s infinite power, without bothering whether the suggestion is ‘right’ or ‘wrong’.
Thus, a hopeful person sees opportunities all around him and reaps success, while a pessimist keeps missing them and meets with failures. So let’s first watch what we say in our minds and then watch what we do in the world. Henry Ford has rightly said, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.”
Nice one
Nice one
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