Friday, 24 April 2015

Moving Forward

Sometimes, we feel stuck at a point in life. Nothing interests any longer. Life seems worthless. It is a natural reaction to look backward. We start blaming everything and everybody associated with our past. It is true that we are in the current situation because of our past. But, no amount of blaming the past will change the past, as it is dead and gone. The only use of this past is to learn valuable lessons. If we don’t learn any lesson from our past, then we are condemned to repeat the same thing that happened in the past.

If what we did or didn’t do in the past led us to the current situation, then what we do or don’t do NOW will shape our future. The most important decision that we must take is whether to blame the past and stay stuck in the current situation or bury the past and move forward with a fresh outlook. We cannot move forward with the baggage of the past. And, this attitude has to be maintained throughout the life – moment to moment. This is the secret of small children’s cheerfulness. They don’t hold grudges. Minutes after a fierce fight with friends or siblings, they are playing again as if nothing happened. This unconscious attitude helps them move forward and grow.

Journey of a thousand mile starts with a small step. And, this step has to be taken by us alone. Others can only facilitate our journey by providing resources and guidance. But that too will happen only when we start walking. If we wait for an ideal opportunity to start the journey, it may never happen. We must make use of whatever opportunity comes our way. One opportunity leads to another and thus we move in life towards our goal. Almost all high achievers in the world had to struggle through many undesirable jobs before they found their dream job. Holding the life standstill at a point can never be an option. Nature ensures that.

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