Friday, 24 February 2017

Fear is the Key to Courage

The interview with Ms. Sushmita Sen (“Queen of the Universe”, wknd., 17 Feb 2017) was thought-provoking. I am still trying to decipher what she meant by “When you hold on to fear long enough, it turns into courage.”

Fear arises from some perceived risk/threat – loss of job, loss of relationship, loss of health, loss of reputation, and so on. Some of these risks may be credible based on facts, while others may just be baseless apprehensions, which mind is good at producing. If we give-in to any fear, it has the power to ruin our peace and happiness. But, if we analyse the fear’s root-cause and deal with it through specific actions, then this  perhaps is what Sushmita meant as ‘Courage’.

Sometimes, even after putting in all the conscious efforts, we are unable to deal with the fear’s cause. At this point, I believe, one has to surrender to the higher power of the nature which is controlling the entire universe so meticulously. In the moments of such a total surrender, mind is inspired with new thoughts, which can open-up new paths not seen before. We can thus use fear to our advantage. Sushmita Sen has clearly demonstrated this in her own life.

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