Every act of creativity
is cathartic.
Great works are born out
of deep pain. World is full of such examples. Writers, painters, musicians,
performers, leaders – all touched the pit of despair before great works blossomed
out of them. It is intriguing to find what happens when we touch the pit of
Our ego makes us believe
that any success is entirely of our own making. It builds castles of hopes and
expectations. This causes pain when we face any set-back. Greater the set-back,
deeper is the pain. In the moments of such great pain, our ego tends to melt.
An emptiness is created within. This emptiness opens the door for the power of
providence to enter. Such a person, devoid of ego but full of providence, is
helplessly drawn towards creating great work. Pain is replaced by bliss. However,
if one holds on to his ego even when suffering, he is driven deep into
depression and may even end his life untimely.
Every person, whose work
is recognized as ‘great’, admits his conscious absence during his creation – as
if it simply happened through him. It is, indeed, possible to live a blissful
life, devoid of any pain, if we can keep our ego in check. It is not possible
to live without any hope or expectations. But, if we learn to keep them as
realistic as possible, there will be less set-backs and less pain.
in the universe is beautifully orchestrated by the providence. All we need to
do is to park our ego and simply watch the providence work through us in
miraculous ways. Life can then become a great celebration that never ends.
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