Tuesday, 25 December 2018

Who is ruining my life?

We often complain, “My life is ruined by him or her. Or, my life is ruined by the circumstances I was thrown in by my fate.”

What is life? Isn’t it a series of experiences which we go through from moment to moment? Is it also not true that every moment we have to make a choice? Don’t we always have a choice to consider what is good for my growth? Our experience in every moment depends on what choice we make at every moment. Any choice, that is not going to help me grow internally, is bound to agitate me and result in a painful experience. If we continue to go through such painful experiences, life is truly ruined. And, it is not difficult to see who else could ruin it, except myself. I am the cause of my own suffering.
The world, including people around me, will never be according to my wish. I will come across people and situations that would tend to annoy me. In such situations, am I able to ask, “What is good for my growth?” Simply asking this question in our minds, we will find ways to deal with such annoying person or situation. Then, we will not react emotionally, but respond with calmness and clarity. Our response would be to say or do what is right, instead of what is pleasing to the other person. Our response could also be to not say or do anything, but simply walk away from that person or situation. Such right responses will generate calming experiences, which would enrich the life instead of ruining. The people and situations around us may continue to be what they are. I don’t need to change any of them because that is what makes the world what it is. Indeed, the world offers us the platform to test our strengths and progress.

1 comment:


Life is a game called"Connecting the dots"we all have played connecting the dots assume each dots is each day of our life. We have success and failure,but we have to keep on connecting the dots at the end we will get a beautiful picture that is"Life"