Sunday, 2 June 2019

Friend and Foe

I am my friend, I am my foe
Lightly I take any temptation
Allow it to live and grow

Slowly it gains power
And, I let it flow
Gripped by the force of Desire
All cautions I throw

Got to have it
Only thought that flow
Can’t get it
Anger arise and blow

Burning with rage
Ready to tear and torpedo
If I get, I want more
Greed, pride, fear and jealousy dance a tango

Had I paused and questioned the temptation
Are you going to make my heart glow?
Many temptations may quietly leave
And, those passing the test, I endow

Love, Compassion, Charity and Devotion
Flowering my life with gusto
I am my friend, I am my foe

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