Friday, 22 January 2021

Living in Freedom

I am like an image on a screen looking at other images on the same screen. I have a choice - either to identify with my constantly changing image or with the unchanging screen lending existence and life to the image.

When I identify with my image, it becomes alive and so do all other images on the screen.

Now, I am subjected to all sorts of experiences born out of my interactions with other images. I get angry with one image, happy with another, jealous of yet another, depressed with criticism, swelled with praise, and so on.

However, when I identify with the screen, then I am instantly free of all such experiences. I can now see the same screen behind every image - whether of beings or things. Any interaction with any image is essentially now interacting with my own Self in form of the screen. 

I can now choose to play a variety of roles through my image on the screen, doing what is ought to be done by that image in any situation. The moment I sense a danger of getting trapped by any reaction from other images in the drama called "Life", I safely retreat in my identity of the screen - never forgetting that I, as the screen, support all other images.

How can I now get affected by my own Self in any way? This, I believe, is 'living in freedom'.

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