Sunday 20 September 2009

Between two milestones

Someone once said, “You are born today and you die tomorrow." All our knowledge and experience is, indeed, between these two milestones. And, yet we take them so lightly. What I understood from these words is that ‘today’ is all we have. But, we continue to sacrifice our ‘today’ in the hope of an unseen ‘tomorrow’. What we call ‘living’ is reduced to mere ‘existing’. We hardly enjoy life as it is today.

Stephen R. Covey has rightly suggested four dimensions of living: Live, Love, Learn and Leave a legacy. Each of these dimensions relates to each of the four personalities we posses: Physical, Emotional, Intellectual and Spiritual. A life is considered fully ‘lived’ only when we take care of all the four dimensions. Physically, we must radiate ‘health. Emotionally, we must harbour the feelings of ‘love’ for all. Intellectually, we must never stop ‘learning.’ Spiritually, we must attain that internal growth which will continue to inspire the future generations.

The famous Indian weaver-poet, Kabir sang thus: “This sheet of life was given to us spotless. Many wore and made it dirty. I wore it and left it spotless.” Hidden in this song is also a great environmental message. Are we leaving the world cleaner than what we received?

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