Tuesday, 25 December 2018

Who is ruining my life?

We often complain, “My life is ruined by him or her. Or, my life is ruined by the circumstances I was thrown in by my fate.”

What is life? Isn’t it a series of experiences which we go through from moment to moment? Is it also not true that every moment we have to make a choice? Don’t we always have a choice to consider what is good for my growth? Our experience in every moment depends on what choice we make at every moment. Any choice, that is not going to help me grow internally, is bound to agitate me and result in a painful experience. If we continue to go through such painful experiences, life is truly ruined. And, it is not difficult to see who else could ruin it, except myself. I am the cause of my own suffering.
The world, including people around me, will never be according to my wish. I will come across people and situations that would tend to annoy me. In such situations, am I able to ask, “What is good for my growth?” Simply asking this question in our minds, we will find ways to deal with such annoying person or situation. Then, we will not react emotionally, but respond with calmness and clarity. Our response would be to say or do what is right, instead of what is pleasing to the other person. Our response could also be to not say or do anything, but simply walk away from that person or situation. Such right responses will generate calming experiences, which would enrich the life instead of ruining. The people and situations around us may continue to be what they are. I don’t need to change any of them because that is what makes the world what it is. Indeed, the world offers us the platform to test our strengths and progress.

Friday, 16 November 2018

My Consciousness pervades the Universe

I perceive the outside world through my five senses of seeing, hearing, smelling, touching and tasting. I would not perceive any outside world, if all five senses were to be blocked.

Let’s now examine how I perceive the world through my senses.

My eyes receive reflected light waves from an object in the outside world. This light wave is converted into electrical impulses by the eyes and then passed to the brain through neurons. The brain processes these electrical impulses and, through a series of mysterious processes, I claim that I am seeing the object. But, I am seeing this object inside my own mind, not in the outside world.

Similarly, all sense organs receive their input from the outside world and help me perceive the outside objects in my own mind. Indeed, I can’t perceive anything beyond my own mind.

Now, let’s examine the mind itself.

Mind is not the brain. It is a subtle aspect of our personality and it can’t be traced in any specific location of our physical anatomy. Mind is the subtle medium in which all thoughts and emotions arise and undergo endless transformations, while preserving all the memories. Some thoughts take the role of discriminating intellect, while some other thoughts turn into desires. Still some other thoughts take on the task of contemplating. Some thoughts make us believe that we are individuals, separate from others, thus giving rise to ‘ego’ in us. When all thoughts are quietened, we refer to a quiet mind and experience peace & serenity. In short, mind is our inner personality, while body is the external one.

I am conscious (aware) of my mind, just as I am conscious of my body. Both are objects of my awareness, just like any worldly objects. I possess them, but quite separate from them. I am conscious of my perceptions, thoughts and emotions happening in my mind. Therefore, the mind is within my consciousness. 

Since I perceive the whole outside world in my own mind, all is within my consciousness. Indeed, my consciousness pervades the whole universe for me.

Saturday, 29 September 2018

Creativity is Cathartic

Every act of creativity is cathartic.

Great works are born out of deep pain. World is full of such examples. Writers, painters, musicians, performers, leaders – all touched the pit of despair before great works blossomed out of them. It is intriguing to find what happens when we touch the pit of despair,

Our ego makes us believe that any success is entirely of our own making. It builds castles of hopes and expectations. This causes pain when we face any set-back. Greater the set-back, deeper is the pain. In the moments of such great pain, our ego tends to melt. An emptiness is created within. This emptiness opens the door for the power of providence to enter. Such a person, devoid of ego but full of providence, is helplessly drawn towards creating great work. Pain is replaced by bliss. However, if one holds on to his ego even when suffering, he is driven deep into depression and may even end his life untimely.

Every person, whose work is recognized as ‘great’, admits his conscious absence during his creation – as if it simply happened through him. It is, indeed, possible to live a blissful life, devoid of any pain, if we can keep our ego in check. It is not possible to live without any hope or expectations. But, if we learn to keep them as realistic as possible, there will be less set-backs and less pain. 

Everything in the universe is beautifully orchestrated by the providence. All we need to do is to park our ego and simply watch the providence work through us in miraculous ways. Life can then become a great celebration that never ends.