Wednesday, 24 November 2021

Give to Get

Have you ever wondered why a red apple looks red?

Let’s investigate into the science behind this phenomenon.

When white light falls on the apple, it absorbs all other 6 colours of the spectrum (VIBGYOR), except ‘red’ which is reflected to our eyes, thus giving it ‘red’ colour. When an object absorbs all the 7 colours of the spectrum, then it looks ‘black’. Similarly, when an object reflects the entire spectrum of colours, absorbing none, it appears ‘white’. In conclusion, an object appears to have the colour that was ‘given’ away. No wonder, white is a symbol of purity and goodness, while black often symbolizes dark / impure.

Same phenomenon plays in the nature and in life. No tree can hold on to its fruit after it has ripened. Trees give their fruits to get new fruits and remain alive radiating freshness. Rivers give their water to receive fresh water from rain and thus keep flowing. Wherever there is light, a lamp is silently burning away to illumine its surrounding. Wherever there is progress and growth, someone is working relentlessly to make it happen. ‘Giving’ is at the heart of our sustenance and growth. Those who never give, suffer and live a meaningless life. When we give, we gain priceless joy that cannot come from any act of acquiring. What goes round, comes around. Human history is filled with examples of people who rose to the height of human perfection through noble acts of ‘giving’ and left a rich legacy. And yet, they attributed their own success to their predecessors. Sir Isaac Newton has famously said, “If I have been able to see farther than others, it was because I stood on the shoulders of giants.” If we can talk about IR4.0 today, it is because countless people have contributed towards its predecessors IR1.0; IR2.0; and IR3.0. Our future generations will also derive benefits from what we leave behind today. 

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