Tuesday, 1 March 2022

The Chariot Analogy

In the ancient Indian scripture “Kathopanisad”, a young boy named Nachiketa asks the lord of death Yama – What am I? Yama gives the Chariot analogy as follows:

The chariot (horse-drawn carriage) is made-up of the body of the chariot, horses, reins to control horses, charioteer (driver) holding the reins and the passenger seating in the chariot.

Your body is the chariot. Five senses (seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and touching) are five horses. Sense objects (objects providing sights, sound, smell, taste, and touch) are the roads on which respective senses run. Mind (thoughts and emotions) is the reins. Intellect (understanding/deciding) is the Charioteer. You are the passenger.

The purpose of the chariot is to take the passenger to his/her destination. The journey will be safe and successful only if:

  •     The body of the chariot is strong and well maintained
  •      Horses are well trained to follow driver’s command through reins
  •      Reins are strong and firm (not loose)
  •      Charioteer is well informed about the destination and well-focused

Similarly, if you wish to achieve your goals in life, you must:

  •       Keep your body healthy and strong
  •       Train your senses to be under mind’s control and not run away on their own
  •        Develop a firm mind dedicated to the chosen goal
  •        Educate the Intellect about your goal and develop its ability to clearly differentiate  between ‘what’s in line with the goal’ and ‘what’s not in line with the goal’

Choose your goal wisely. Your ultimate goal is to realise your own Self.

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