Tuesday 18 August 2009

Question of Ethics

According to G. E. Moore (“Principia Ethica”, 1903), 'Ethics' is a systematic science of giving correct reasons for thinking that this or that is ‘good’. He further explains that ‘good’ is a simple notion, just as ‘yellow’ is a simple notion. Both ‘yellow’ and ‘good’ are notions of that simple kind, out of which other definitions are composed and which themselves cannot be further defined. Just as you cannot, by any manner or means, explain to anyone who does not already know it, 'what yellow is', so you cannot explain 'what good is'. Such is the dilemma of defining what is good or ethics.

Notwithstanding the above, ethics is important for human existence. We must remember that we are all inter-connected in the universe. A ‘good’ or ‘bad’ act by one will eventually affect all (including oneself) — now as well as in the future. What goes round comes around. Ethics, in this context, is beyond the laws of land and accepted traditions & norms of different societies. It is individual and self-imposed. It is directly proportional to one's internal (spiritual) development.

Perhaps, the following self-enquiries may help in establishing whether we are acting (and hence living) ethically:

  • Do I wish others to do the same things to me as I wish to do to them?
  • Will I proudly face my mother after performing the task I am about to undertake?
  • Will I be able to proudly declare later to my children what I am about to do?
  • Will I be able to sleep peacefully tonight after performing this task?

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