Wednesday 5 August 2009

Small Act, Big Satisfaction

Once I went to a little road-side shop to change the battery in my watch. While replacing the battery, the man from the sub-continent informed me of some other defects as well and proceeded to fix them. He was one of all those displaced from the open market, which is now being re-built. He must have struggled to find this place and must re-discover his clients. Five minutes later, when finished, I asked, "How much?" He said, "Five bucks for the battery and the rest as you wish." I paid him ten. His gestures indicated that I had exceeded his expectation. My wife also noticed. Later, she remarked, "You got a bad bargain." I said, "You missed the signs of gratitude on his wrinkled face which carries much more value than what I paid. Besides, what would that extra five bucks buy for us - not even a cup of coffee. I think I got a great bargain. His smiling face has made my day."

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