Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Art imitates Life

Dissecting the reasons for current deplorable state of theatres in the South Asian sub-continent, someone asked, “Why is theatre important at all?” Theatre (or any art form) is an indispensable mirror to society. It reflects ‘what is prevailing now’ and stirs people’s courage to ‘change for the better.’

Some time back in the year 2005, I came across a news item "Prostitutes take centre stage to overturn stigma” reporting on how a renowned theatre group, ‘Nandikar’ in Kolkata (India), attempted to remove the stigma attached to prostitution by staging a play in which all the 23 actresses were professional sex workers depicting their humane aspect. It was reported that ordinary men and women in the audience sobbed and cried as the play unfolded.

It is said, “There is nothing right in history except names and dates. And, there is nothing wrong in drama except names and dates.” Art will always imitate life. No society can stifle creative minds. They will always find ways and means of expressing themselves. It is up to us what type of society we wish to create, live in and leave behind.

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