Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Why to Marry?

Living alone is fast becoming a 21st century status symbol (UK households with only one occupant have risen by 31 percent since 1971). Many of these ‘soloists’ exist in a sea of old pizza boxes and broken dreams. This looks scary for a healthy society.

There is hardly any human born without any weakness. Weaknesses vary in number and types from person to person. However, one aspires to rise above these weaknesses and strives for becoming a better human being. Through centuries of ‘trials-and-errors’, societies around the world have evolved the ‘institution of marriage’. A ‘successful’ marriage can create an environment which is conducive for transforming human ‘weaknesses’ into ‘strengths’. Desire of ‘possessing’ can become obligatory duty of ‘custodianship', urge for ‘companionship’ can evolve into a feeling of ‘compassion', blind ‘lust’ can turn into fragrant ‘love’, hope of leaving behind a ‘name’ can be fulfilled and converted into a mission of leaving behind a better human being in form of ‘children’, and so on.

The current trend of the 'Soloists' is a case of ‘emotional stunting’. How could true self-discovery be possible when you’ve never shared your hopes and fears, or indeed a bathroom, with anybody?

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