Wednesday, 19 August 2009

True Wealth

When we think of 'wealth', we only think of 'money'. So much so that in modern times money has become the barometer of success. We are ready to sacrifice everything in the pursuit of money. Last night, I happened to listen to a recorded talk by Bhupendra Bhai Pandya, who discussed 'what is true wealth' quoting from works of the legendry Raja Bharthari (Ruler of Ujjain, India, around 5th Century). I wish to capture and share the essence of his enlightening talk in this posting.

There are nine types of 'wealth' in the world. One who possesses all of them is the most fortunate person. These nine types of wealth are:

1. Cultured Children

  • Research by the Sociologists and Psychologists all over the world has revealed that a ‘boy’ loves his mother but imitates his father and a ‘girl’ loves her father but imitates her mother.
  • Children don’t do what their parents tell them to do. They do what parents themselves do.
  • Children, from very early age, are most alert in observing their parents’ behavior. However, they look for consistency in any behavior and eventually imitate such consistent conduct in their own lives when they grow.
  • Consequently, parents should themselves live a cultured life consistently in order to have cultured children.

2. Beloved Wife

  • You marry a girl, not a wife. This girl should subsequently be transformed into a ‘wife’. It is a life-long effort.
  • Physical attraction would disappear soon after marriage. But, mutual understanding is the ‘glue’ that grows with time and keeps the marriage intact. Indeed, it makes your wife beloved in due course of time.
  • You must continuously make effort towards developing this understanding. Every encounter, whether pleasant or unpleasant, must lead to a deeper mutual understanding.

3. Happy-faced Husband

  • When husband returns home with a long face, the entire atmosphere of the home becomes tense. This causes adverse impact on the wife and children. Such homes can never enjoy life’s happiness, no matter how much money they may have.
  • Just as you don’t take home’s tension to your work while meeting your clients or boss, try leaving behind the work’s tension also at work. Force a smile on your face, if have to, while returning home.
  • No problem is big enough for a family which lives in the oasis of a happy home.

4. Affectionate Friend

  • True friend is one who sees your enormous fault as a mole and even a small goodness in you as a huge plus. He trusts your integrity and goodness.
  • A true friend may not be by your side when you are celebrating, but he will never leave your side when you are in any trouble.
  • A true friend is one to whom you can confide your secrets.
  • We cannot choose our relatives, but we can certainly choose our friends. Even one true friend is enough as a great wealth.

5. Trustworthy Co-workers or Employees

  • Your work is a pleasure, when you are surrounded with trustworthy people. An environment of mistrust saps your energy and happiness.
  • People don’t work for money alone. How they are treated at work matters most.

6. Mind without worries

  • The most effective means of keeping the mind free from worries is to keep constant company of ‘good’ literature and people (also called ‘sat sang’, literally meaning company of that which is eternal truth).
  • Avoid those who indulge in loose talk and gossip. Such people fill your mind with negativity without your knowledge.

7. Pleasant Personality

  • Having a beautiful or handsome body is not a guarantee of having a pleasant personality.
  • Your personality becomes pleasant only when you radiate warmth of genuine love towards others around you, whether or not you possess a beautiful or handsome body.
  • Everyone enjoys the company of those having pleasant personalities and despise those who don’t, despite their having the most beautiful or handsome bodies.

8. Steady wealth

  • A river flooding your home is of no use to you, despite giving you enormous amount of water. On the other hand, a water-well near your home is your life-line, despite having limited water quantity but a steady supply of water whenever you need.
  • Similarly, pursue that profession that provides a steady income. Don’t look forward to getting a windfall of money. It could be a source of misery for you.

9. Face glowing with Knowledge

  • Knowledge is not what you read. It is merely information.
  • True knowledge is what you gain as a result of applying that information into practice.
  • Such knowledge makes your face glow with confidence and humility. People are naturally drawn towards such faces.

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