Friday, 21 August 2009

Question of Equality

Those who talk of men-women equality make two vital assumptions:
  • Women are a weaker sex;
  • Both men and women are of the same kind and hence can be compared.

In my opinion, both of these assumptions are wrong. The very fact that life is conceived, nurtured and brought into this world by a woman, despite the unbearable pain of delivery, proves that women are much stronger than men. Additionally, the physical and mental constructs of both men and women are fundamentally different, thus putting them into dissimilar categories. Comparing men with women is like comparing apples with oranges.

Both men and women possess unique qualities that complement each other. It is nature’s grand plan to maintain the difference between Yin and Yang so that the world can survive as a whole. And, it is our obligation to respect this difference and stop comparing the incomparable but equally beautiful creations of God.

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