I was amused and at the same time amazed to read about the new fashion of hiring guests some time back: "Now, hire wedding guests from Rs100 to Rs500". It's no surprise that it had to start in Rajasthan, where there is an age-old tradition of hiring women to weep over a dead person. These women are known as 'Rudali'. However, in this tradition at least, the idea is to invoke the locked-up feelings of the relatives, which would otherwise cause long-term psychological damages. But to hire guests to simply show-off is not even a pleasant thought. What good such a show-off would do to either side, except inflating their egos and wasting loads of money? Those who witness such a grand play would forget it sooner or later. But, those who pay for it would never forget that it was a 'fake'.
How painful would it be looking at wedding photographs in which you could hardly relate to anyone, and which would always remind you of the put-on show? Instead, would it not be better to perform the ritual in the simplest manner with relatives, friends and genuine guests and spend the extra money on arranging the marriage of a poor girl who would never forget such a kind gesture till she lives?
How painful would it be looking at wedding photographs in which you could hardly relate to anyone, and which would always remind you of the put-on show? Instead, would it not be better to perform the ritual in the simplest manner with relatives, friends and genuine guests and spend the extra money on arranging the marriage of a poor girl who would never forget such a kind gesture till she lives?
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