There was a pile of stones lying outside a palace. A boy picked up a stone from the pile. The stone told the other stones that he was going abroad for better opportunities in life. As the boy hurled the stone towards the palace, the stone started thinking of the height and the wind. He felt great to be higher than the crowd. At last, his hard work was beginning to pay.
He enjoyed the cool breeze and the speed of the flight and pitied the other stones on the ground. The stone hit the palace window and fell inside on an expensive carpet. The shattering noise of the glass declared his arrival on the big scene. Soft landing on the thick carpet reassured his great success and the grand welcome after a long string of achievements.
He rested there for some days watching many royal events. He was thrilled to be part of it.
One morning, a palace worker found the stone on the carpet and threw it out. As the stone left the palace, he bid farewell to the job well done. He said to himself it was time to retire.
Eventually, the stone returned to the pile outside the palace. He shared his success story with the rest. Other stones advised him to write his autobiography, which would be a great source of inspiration for the future generations. The stone is currently busy writing it.
Such is the flight of our ego. Demystifying your ego is a “catch 22” situation. Who wants to be free from ego? Is it not the ego who wants to be free from itself? That is why, Buddha said, “Events happen, deeds are done. There is no individual doer of any deed.” He further advised, “Seeing is the only doing necessary.” Anything more I write, I am afraid, could be construed as part of my own ego trip.
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